Thursday, June 7, 2012

Assignment 3, Question 4

Q.4: When publishing changes, so does society. Investigate and compare the impact of two publication technologies, one pre-1900 and one post-2000, on a specific aspect of society (e.g. education, politics, creative industries, science, entertainment, social relationships).

Please find below the references for arts2090 final assignment:

Beacon Learning Center 2004, Brief History of Cave Paintings, pdf, accessed 3 June 2012, <>

‘Publishing’, Wikipedia, <>

Innis, Harold, The Press: A neglected factor in the economic history of the twentieth century. London: Oxford University Press1949, p. 5, date accessed 29.04.12

Kamdar, Sachin (2012) ‘Why Publishers are about to go Data Crazy’, Mediashift: Your Guide to the Digital Revolution, January 17, <>

Kluth, A. 2006, A survey of new media: Among the audience, The Economist, Available at:, Accessed 01.06.2012

Suciu, P 2007, The Rise Of The Prosumer, Tech Crunch, accessed 6 June 2012, <>

Naughton, J. 2007, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, Oxford, accessed 3 June 2012, <>