Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oh how I completely endanger the integrity of my bank account.

At times I really feel as though my bank account should live in fear of my spending patterns. I really have concluded that it is not normal to play a game with your account to see how close you can come each week to a balance of $0. Most people usually have a base of say $2000...let's just say I like to live on the wild side. 
Regardless my point being this week's little endeavour is to destroy my balance with items from Topshop. I fear this is not the first time I have discussed this word on this blog and that in itself says a lot. My excuse this week however is that my birthday is quickly approaching and suitably I definitely need an outfit (inclusive of dress, shoes, and perhaps even extending to glasses and tights?)

So my shopping bag currently consists of beauty #1:
Hello pretty....

The danger with the dress is it is very exclusive and probably only going to get a couple of wears...however let me enlighten you with my next product which i like to pertain to being....diverse.

GAH need I say any more to express my utter lust?

My credit card is currently still in my wallet...but if I do make progress (which is looking promising) I promise this purchase will deliver all sorts of little luxuries.